The Wells Fargo Center Retail Building was completed in 1988 as part of the Wells Fargo Office building development. Located at the corner of Main Street and the North Spoke of The Grove Plaza, the building is in the center of downtown Boise.

The Wells Fargo Center Retail Building was completed in 1988 as part of the Wells Fargo Office building development. Located at the corner of Main Street and the North Spoke of The Grove Plaza, the building is in the center of downtown Boise. Oppenheimer Development Corporation owns the building and tenants include Costa VidaSnake River TeaTaters, and Lucky Fins. The building owners have updated the exterior including new paint, lighting, and awnings. New steel and aluminum awnings have replaced the existing pinstriped canvas canopies. The building upgrades had an approximate estimated cost of $500,000.

CCDC encourages owner/tenant improvements that refresh downtown buildings, strengthen occupancy, and enhance the public realm and pedestrian experience. As part of this project, the building owner replaced the outdated, lower hanging canvas awnings.  Awnings enhance the building facade and the pedestrian experience by creating a more walkable corridor. Most importantly, awnings provide shelter from rain, snow, and sun, not only to building tenants/visitors, but also the public at large.

At the May 2018 meeting, the CCDC Board of Commissioners approved the project as eligible for a Type 1 Participation Agreement that will help pay for the new awnings. The grant reimburses up to $150,000 of expenses for the new awnings located in the public right-of-way. To be eligible for CCDC funding awnings must meet certain criteria including being located in the right-of-way, extending at least 5′ into the sidewalk area, being made of durable material that can protect pedestrians from the elements, and covering at least 75% of the building frontage.

CCDC Project Manager, Laura Williams, managed this project.