Capitol & Broad Street – Broad Street Improvements

The City of Boise has created a vision for the area which it calls “The Central Addition LIV District.” Inspired by an initiative known as ‘eco-districts,’ the LIV District is a neighborhood development strategy structured on the principals of sustainable development, operations, and Boise’s LIV culture – Lasting, Innovative, and Vibrant. The LIV District is a sub-district of the neighborhood platted as the Central Addition, and the high level view is to create an efficient, functioning, and sustainable neighborhood in Boise’s downtown.

The public improvements will include:

  1. Reconstruction of Broad Street with creative design and streetscape amenities (lights, benches, trees/planters, permeable pavers, green storm water infrastructure, etc.).
  2. Extension of the geothermal system down Broad Street and into the injection well at Julia Davis Park
  3. Additional Fiber Optic resources
  4. Use of innovative storm water solutions;

CCDC looks forward to contributing to this effort, making the area a catalyst for economic development and downtown reinvestment by private entities.

Karl Woods is managing the Broad Street project.
